
Metternich – Fürstlicher Strizzirock

A sound that slaps you down mercilessly and straight on, a singer with an insanely great voice who tells stories from everyday life in Vienna, a koala bear from Schönbrunn who plays the guitar like no other, a bassist who draws the lines like a world champion, and a drummer who packs a punch.
That’s Metternich.
Expressive rock songs with a good portion of Viennese Schmäh (superficial friendliness; funny, witty manner; humour) are celebrated, just like the cultivated beer in the afternoon in the Tschocherl (small, usually bad café) around the corner.

Metternich is a unique Austrian rock band hailing from Vienna, known for their dynamic blend of humor-infused lyrics in Viennese dialect and potent rock music. The band’s compelling sound and captivating stage presence have earned them significant praise, with reviewers highlighting the balanced band sound, the powerful voice of their lead singer, and their knack for catchy refrains​.


“Apart from a witty stage outfit and a well thought-out stage show, Metternich were probably the band of the afternoon that presented the best overall picture. It is actually superfluous to mention that the band sound was very balanced for such an experienced band, whose band members have been torturing their instruments not just since yesterday. Metternich was absolutely top not only musically but also visually. Hopefully other promoters will notice this and you will see the guys more often.”
( – orig in german)

Starkstrom Magazin

“‘Strizzirock’ is what this quartet wrote on their first album. Driving in Vienna is annoying (understandable), the winter is supposed to go to shit (was there actually one this year?) and of course there’s beer in all possible situations (cheers). Lyrically, they have to put up with comparisons with Turbobier and Alkbottle, but musically it’s a lot more hard rock and that suits the lyrics (skilfully and expressively delivered by singer Alexander) very well. Since the band also has a knack for catchy choruses (for example on ‘Klangfarbe’, ‘Du bist ned Du’ and ‘Da Winta’) and the production is also successful, ‘G’schichtldrucker’ can be described as a solid debut that certainly works even better live in combination with stimulating drinks. And on the next YouTube round, you should also lend an eye to Metternich’s witty music videos.”
(Manuel / Starkstrom – orig in german)


“Have you ever heard of “Strizzi-Rock”? If not, then it’s high time you did, because you’ve been missing out on one of the finest rock bands in the Austrian nation! […] ‘G’schichtldrucka’ is an album that has brought me the pleasure of earthy, honest rock’n’roll again for a long time, which is not warmed up. […] The disc is a really fine production in terms of sound quality, not to say one of the best I have ever heard in the genre. […]”
(Gregor Eder / Stormbringer – orig in german)


“Stories from everyday life in Vienna accompanied by virtuoso guitar solos and solid rock: this is what the quartet offers on their debut album ‘G’schichtldrucker’. Metternich themselves describe their music as Strizzirock, and after a first listen one can say that this description hits the nail on the head. Alexander Karlin (vocals), David Zenz (bass), Bernahrd Sattra (drums) and Wolfgang ‘Knut’ Posch (guitar) take their listeners on a journey through the Viennese Grätzel and encounter drunken ex-girlfriends, beer scroungers and annoying guitar students. The lyrics are presented in true Viennese style and with a lot of humour.

Musically, you notice that Metternich pay homage to the old rock greats, are masters of their instruments and can offer more than the three famous chords. Singer Alexander also impresses with a remarkable vocal volume, especially in ‘Sex mit da Ex’ you can convince yourself of that. Metternich sound anything but monotonous – there are good-humoured melodic songs like ‘Leben’, straightforward rock hits like ‘Klangfarbe’, country-influenced numbers like ‘Du bist ned Du’ and groovy, gloomy pieces influenced by Viennese song like ‘Da Winta’ and an intermezzo with banjo.

If you like high-quality rock and Viennese charm, you should definitely give ‘G’schichtldrucker’ a listen!”
(SLAM – orig in german)

Schall Magazin

“This is an Austrian rock’n’roll band that sings in a quaint and dishevelled dialect. The Viennese boys are fun, but no less hard. With their first single, ‘Autofoan’, heavy metal turns the corner, ‘Freddy Krügerl’ is reminiscent of the EAV and with ‘Sex mit da Ex’ the intensive listener tries to sing and dance along. The world calls this Viennese Schmäh, because the lyrics also describe everyday life in the Austrian metropolis in a vivid, funny and confusing way, with beer scroungers, drunken ex-girlfriends and icy winters. The old Austrian songwriters have found their changing of the guard here.”
(Thomas Behlert / Schall Magazin – orig in german)

the Boys


Karlin - Metternich

Alexander Karlin

Da Sänga

Koala - Metternich

Wolfgang ‘Knut’ Posch

Da Koala spüt Gitar

Doc Hubert - Metternich

Bernhard Sattra

schlogt des Zeigl

Zenz - Metternich

David Zenz

ziagt de Basslines



Tour: Oidakalyptus Now
Time: 18:30. Age restrictions: All Ages.
Time: 18:30. Age restrictions: All Ages.
Time: 18:30. Age restrictions: All Ages.
Time: 18:30. Age restrictions: All Ages.
Time: 18:30. Admission: € 18,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Wurmsergasse 42. Venue phone: +43 676 740 75 35. en plaque Kortn kaufn

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Tour: Oidakalyptus Now
06.12.24Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 19:00. Admission: € 20,-/25,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Hauffgasse 26. w/ RAMMELHOF, Sankt Krinzinger, Døm Mehr Infos
Time: 19:00. Admission: € 18,-/20,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Wurmsergasse 42. Venue phone: +43 676 740 75 35. Mehr Infos
30.08.24Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 18:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Hauffgasse 26. w/ Da Winkla & Seine Hödn Mehr Infos
26.06.24WienG5 Live Music BarAT
Time: 19:00. Admission: € 15,-/20,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Heiligenstädter Str 31, Bogen 217, 1190 Wien, Österreich. Mehr Infos
26.04.24WienU4 ViennaAT
Time: 21:30. Admission: € 12,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Schönbrunner Straße 222. Venue phone: +43 1 817 11 92-0. w/ DØM Mehr Infos
01.12.23Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 18:30. Admission: € 18,-/22,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Hauffgasse 26. mit PENDL (Album-Release), Pflichttermin & Bonjourtropfen
Time: 18:30. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Wurmsergasse 42. Venue phone: +43 676 740 75 35.
14.10.23Krieglach/MürztalRocktober KrieglachAT
Time: 19:30. Admission: € 7,-/12,-. Age restrictions: All Ages.
02.09.23Trofaiach, SteiermarkStadtPARKfest TrofaiachAT
Time: 18:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Stadtpark.
01.09.23Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Hauffgasse 26. mit Rautöne
02.08.23WackenWacken Open AirDE
Time: 15:30. Age restrictions: All Ages.
Tour: Beisltour 2023
28.07.23WienIgnaz & RosaliaAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Lesung & fürstlicher Strizzi-Rock: Eine Band und ein Historiker auf Spurensuche Mehr Unterdrücker als Friedensfürst: Im Gedächtnis der Menschen kommt Clemens Metternich, der vor 250 Jahren geboren wurde, nicht gut weg. Wer war der Mann? Alexander Karlin, Bernhard Sattra (Metternich) und Stefan Müller (Autor von #derkleinemetternich) spüren dem Diplomaten, Frauenhelden und Botschafter des Rock ‘n’ Roll nach.
Tour: Oidakalyptus Now
Time: 19:30. Admission: € 21,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Steigenteschgasse 94 b. Venue phone: +43 (1) 481 171 70. w/ Da Winkla & Seine Hödn
Tour: Beisltour 2023
19.05.23WienIgnaz & RosaliaAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages.
28.04.23WienCafe MelangeAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages.
22.04.23EisenstadtMonroe Record StoreAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages.
24.03.23WienQuattro Bar ClubAT
Time: 20:30. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Währingerstrasse 167.
25.02.23Mattersburg, BurgenlandPeacock Pub Bar MusicAT
Time: 20:30. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Gustav Degen-Gasse 8. Venue phone: +43 2 62662843.
24.02.23GattendorfBlaues WunderAT
Time: 20:30. Age restrictions: All Ages.
Tour: Oidakalyptus Now
Time: 19:30. Admission: € 16,-/20,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Box office: +43 316 8000. Address: Orpheumgasse 8. Venue phone: +43 316 8008 9000. w/ The Wicked & Kitsch Royal
01.10.22St. Pölten, NiederösterreichCinema ParadisoAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Rathausplatz 14. mit Nattastoy Mehr Infos
30.09.22Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Hauffgasse 26. mit Rammelhof, Yokohomo und Nattastoy Mehr Infos
03.09.22Trofaiach, SteiermarkStadtPARKfest TrofaiachAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Stadtpark. Mehr Infos
27.08.22GloggnitzMetal Escalation FestivalAT
Time: 18:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Schloss Stuppach.
12.08.22PoysdorfRock the WineryAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Bio-Weingut Oppenauer, Hindenburgstraße 37.
Time: 19:00. Admission: € 15,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. mit Pflichttermin, Franz Horvath und seinen Lebensechten, Die Botschatn Mehr Infos
Time: 18:00. Admission: € 10,-/12,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Althanstraße 12-14. Venue phone: +43 1 310 11 12. mit Manic Days + The Spauldings Mehr Infos
14.08.21WienPrater AlmAT
Time: 17:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Prater 71B.
06.08.21Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 17:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Hauffgasse 26.
04.07.21WienAustria Center ViennaAT
Time: 17:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1.
16.06.21WienArena WienAT
Time: 19:00. Admission: freier EIntritt. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Baumgasse 80. Bitte unbedingt (kostenlose) Tickets bitte via simplitix bestellen. Diese ermöglichen es, die Wartezeit bei Einlass etwas zu verkürzen und zu vereinfachen. Da momentan nur 200 Personen auf das Arena-Gelände gelassen werden dürfen, gibt es mit dem Ticket zusätzlich die Sicherheit auf einen garantierten Fixplatz!
15.05.21Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 18:00. Admission: € 15,-/20,-. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Hauffgasse 26. Mehr Infos
Time: 20:00. Age restrictions: All Ages.
10.02.21FacebookOnline MusikbingoAT
Time: 20:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Mehr Infos
19.12.20Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 20:00. Admission: € 15,-/20,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Hauffgasse 26. Ersatztermin für 06.11.2020
Time: 20:00. Admission: € 15,-/20,-. Age restrictions: All Ages.
30.09.20WienViper RoomAT
Time: 20:00. Admission: € 8,-/11,-. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: Landstraßer Hauptstraße 38. Sitzplätze bzw. Tische für alle (Lounge-Betrieb) / Tischservice / mit Strobl und Sick Pack Rat Attack. VORVERKAUF ÜBER EINTRAGUNG IN FORMULAR “KORTN KAUFEN”
20.09.20WienAddicted to Rock StadtbahnbögenAT
Time: 20:00. Age restrictions: All Ages. Address: U-Bahnbogen 186-188.
Time: 19:30. Admission: € 12,-/15,-. Address: Gonzagagasse 11. Venue phone: +43 676 844 260 270. mit Lone Wolf & The Younger und Zuckergoscherl – ACHTUNG: DER LIMITIERTE VORVERKAUF (65 STK) STARTET SAMSTAG 05.09. 10:00 UHR Mehr Infos
29.08.20WienOttakringer BrauereiAT
Time: 19:00. Address: Ottakringer Brauerei, Ottakringer Platz, Wien, Österreich. Ottakringer Bierfest
22.08.20Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 18:00. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Hauffgasse 26. Metternich – Aus’gsteckt is Metternich (/ˈmɛtərnɪx/) ist eine österreichische Rock Band aus Wien und hat mit ihrem aktuellen Album “G’schichtldrucker” das Dialekt-Rock Album des Jahres abgeliefert. Ihre Lieder handeln von den unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen welche jedes der zahlreichen Wiener Grätzl zu bieten hat, alltäglichen Ereignissen wie trotzigen Gitarrenschülern, Bier-Schnorrern, betrunkenen Ex-Freundinnen, oder aber auch der wahren Liebe. Wir freuen uns darauf die Band für eine “Ausg’steckt is” Show bei uns im ((szene)) Garten begrüßen zu dürfen!! Kühle Saftln und oarge Gschichtn. Mehr Infos
Tour: #dif Sommertour
13.08.20Wien#dif Sommertour 1200 WienAT
Age restrictions: All Ages. Wo und wann genau der #dif20 Tourbus Halt macht, erfahren Donauinselfest-Fans kurz vor den Acts auf der Donauinselfest-Website, Facebook, Instagram und etwa eine Stunde vor dem Act in der dabei!-App via Push-Nachricht.
13.08.20Wien#dif Sommertour 1100 WienAT
Age restrictions: All Ages. Wo und wann genau der #dif20 Tourbus Halt macht, erfahren Donauinselfest-Fans kurz vor den Acts auf der Donauinselfest-Website, Facebook, Instagram und etwa eine Stunde vor dem Act in der dabei!-App via Push-Nachricht.
12.08.20WienArena WienAT
Time: 18:00. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Baumgasse 80.
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: No Minors. Sommer im Schloss 2020
27.07.20WienAlte DonauAT
Time: 18:00. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Meine Insel, Laberlweg 19. Treffpunkt: 18:30 Uhr beim Meine-Insel Bootsverleih Laberlweg 19 (U1 Station Alte Donau oder Kaisermühlen V.I.C) Das Boarding startet ab 19:00 Uhr. Konzertbeginn: 20:00 Uhr Bitte denke auch daran, deine Maske mitzunehmen, da vom Steg bis zu deinem Sitzplatz Maskenpflicht gilt. Es ist auch möglich, dass vor Beginn der Veranstaltung deine Temperatur gemessen wird. Mehr Infos
Time: 20:00. Age restrictions: No Minors.
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: No Minors.
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: No Minors.
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: No Minors.
Time: 19:30. Admission: VVK € 14,- bzw. € 25,- (inkl. Album “G’schichtldrucker) / AK € 17,- bzw. € 30,- (inkl. Album “G’schichtldrucker”). Age restrictions: No Minors. Box office: tba. Album Präsentation mit Levery Pie & Bauchfleisch Mehr Infos
28.11.19WienEscape MetalcornerAT
Time: 20:00. Admission: € 10,-/15,-. Age restrictions: No Minors. Box office: /. Address: Neustiftgasse 116-116. mit Bad Sellin’ Record & Raccoon Gang Mehr Infos
24.08.19WienSchloss NeugebäudeAT
Time: 20:00. Age restrictions: No Minors.
16.08.19WienHafen Open AirAT
Time: 15:00. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Friedhof der Namenlosen.
10.05.19Wien((szene)) WienAT
Time: 19:30. Admission: € 16,-/20,-. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Hauffgasse 26. mit Chris Zitta, Jerry Mailer & Band, Pach .M. Stemp Mehr Infos
19.02.19WienArena WienAT
Time: 20:30. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Baumgasse 80. Arena Beisl mit Medicine For Grizzlies Mehr Infos
27.12.18WienArena WienAT
Time: 20:00. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Baumgasse 80. w/ THE RÖAD CREW – Austria’s löudest Motörhead Tribute Mehr Infos
Time: 20:00. Admission: € 14,-/17,-. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Gonzagagasse 11. Venue phone: +43 676 844 260 270. Mehr Infos
Time: 17:55. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: ORF2.
28.07.18WienOttakringer BrauereiAT
Time: 19:00. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Ottakringer Brauerei, Ottakringer Platz, Wien, Österreich.
09.06.18Wienhuma elevenAT
Time: 15:00. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Landwehrstraße 6, 1110 Wien. Harley Davidson Charity Tour Kick-off
19.01.18WienU4 ViennaAT
Time: 21:00. Admission: tba. Age restrictions: No Minors. Address: Schönbrunner Straße 222. Venue phone: +43 1 817 11 92-0. tba
Time: 20:00. Admission: € 10,-/12,-. Address: Lerchenfelder Straße 23. Venue phone: +43 676 6943954. w/ P.O.B + HOGmeetsFROG + Bad Sellin’ Record
16.08.17WienOttakringer BrauereiAT
Time: 20:00. Address: Ottakringer Brauerei, Ottakringer Platz, Wien, Österreich.
09.08.17WienOttakringer BrauereiAT
Time: 20:00. Address: Ottakringer Brauerei, Ottakringer Platz, Wien, Österreich.
12.07.17WienOttakringer BrauereiAT
Time: 20:00. Address: Ottakringer Brauerei, Ottakringer Platz, Wien, Österreich.
05.07.17WienOttakringer BrauereiAT
Time: 20:00. Address: Ottakringer Brauerei, Ottakringer Platz, Wien, Österreich.

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